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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Little 'Hood'Lum...

I love taking the time to take shots of my nearly 7 month old, as she so photogenic (where does she get that from???) and also the easier of the 2 to catch with my camera.  Here are some photos that I took today, in a pink hoodie that actually was purchased years ago for my first daughter.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Let sleeping dogs lie...and photograph them!

With the weather being so cold and dreary, I've been forced to take shot indoors.  My dogs and daughters always give me inspiration and here is a photo from recently.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Childhood- Samantha Ashby

Whenever my friend, Leigh-Anne, comes over, I've been quick to get the camera and to take shots of her kids.  She has a 2+ year old son and 8 month old (Leigh, forgive me if that is wrong, lol!) twin girls.  Here is a shot I took a while ago of Samantha- I feel in love with her wild hair that day.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rough Housing

A couple of days ago, decided to test my cameras abilty to autozoom with my older Nikkor lenses.  Caught this moment of my 2 Dachshunds rough housing- no one was hurt but I loved how Lexie's teeth were caught in mid-action.  Taken with my Nikon D80 and my 70-210mm zoom lens, post-production in Photoshop CS3 and Lightroom.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Testing My Skills...

Using family can be a great way to improve your photography skills while not having to feel pressured to your best work for your client. Here is the best photo from a shoot that I did recently of my husband's step-sister's daughter, Sierra Moore.